Meet The Artist
Irene's Entropy asks writers three questions about their identity. Once a letter is submitted, we deliver it to an artist that interprets the experiences of the letter into art. The idea is that any trauma or lesson can be turned into something beautiful if we can see our experiences with new perspective.
Sage Turk

Hi, I’m Sage, the founder and lead artist of the Black Temple Art Collective. I began my faith journey in the American south, raised by devoutly Mormon parents whilst surrounded by Southern Baptist influences. I served a mission in the headquarters of the Mormon Church, Salt Lake City Utah, where I put down roots, got married and raised a family, all under strict adherence and obedience to the Church’s teaching. After a near death experience that left me deeply questioning the existence of the God I had once so firmly put my love and trust in, I began to question and see the many ways my religion was not what it purported to be. With a head full of questions and a heart that broke for the ways that my Church minimized and demonized women, people of color and the LGBTQA+ community, I began making art to express my confusion, anger, pain and, ultimately, freedom - and have since found it my calling to create safe spaces for others to do the same.